

Hello Yeet users, it's official!
We are extremely excited to introduce you to the brand new server entirely dedicated to tickets!
In this guide we'll provide all useful instructions on how to configure your subscription and will also explore the main features in detail.
All pricing and infos could be found in # 📄|pricing


An admin will assist you on the purchase process, and will immediately grant you access to the Dashboard.
Reminder: once you decide which plan better fits you, two options are available:
  • If you wish to receive notifications in your discord/slack server, the Custom Server Integration is required  -> you can find all details here
  • If you prefer not to purchase the Custom Server Integration, a dedicated channel will be created in our Yeet Monitors Tickets server where you will manage your subscription, besides receiving notifications in it
As soon as the purchase is done:
  1. Activate the bot @Yeet Tickets by calling the command → /start Please note that if you purchased your plan with the Custom Server Integration you should invite the bot to your server first, by clicking on it and then click ‘add app’. This will register as the client group server the server from where you ran the command.
If you purchased a plan without the Custom Server Integration, you should run the command directly on the Ticket Yeet Server and a custom channel will be created
  1. You have to insert your sub_id which will be temporary provided by an admin.
  1. Please note that each sub_id could be associate to one server maximum.


  1. Visit the Dashboard at the following link:
    1. You will use this portal to manage your preferences such as monitored events with filters, server webhooks and users.
  1. GENERAL This section is entirely dedicated to your branding data, here you can customize your notifications with your own branding: If you do not wish to have a custom branding you can set the yeet monitors default branding through the “Use Default” Button
Group Name
Enter the name of your group/organisation, it will be set as footer text in your notifications
HEX Color
Here you can set the color you want the Discord embed bar to be. You can generate a color code at the following site in hex format:
Here you can paste the image url of the image/logo you want to have as footer image in the Discord notification. Please let us know in your ticket if you are unsure how to retrieve an image url
There’s the possibility to enter the domain of the group for custom short URLs
You can choose to exclude the yeet branding from the webhook and leave only your custom Branding
notion image
    1. Visit the Settings section and start to create a webhooks by following the instructions written on your left: you have to type a Webhook name and then type the Webhook URL in which you’d like to receive the related events. Note that you can register webhooks belonging to the registered server
    2. We highly recommend you to set up a Default Webhook so that all events that don’t have a webhook assigned to will be automatically notified in the default one, in order to avoid any complications related to the omission/removal of a given webhooks.
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    1. Visit the Watchlist section to be able to add your own events by clicking on Add Event . You can create multiple entries for a given event, each entry with different filters. Please find below some essential information:
      • EventIDs: enter the event ID you’d like to monitor, bulk add feature is available by entering a comma separated list of event IDs example: 3E006110F234138D,360060EA95391A85,36006139F4073108 Please note that if you’re bulk adding and you decide to apply certain filters, all filters will apply to all events you’re bulk adding simultaneously.
      • Event Region: choose the region of interest of the Event
      • Sections: choose which sections you’d like to monitor for a specific event by filling the gap with the related section number; Bulk add feature is available for sections as well example: 11C,112D,113E
        • You can find sections you are interested either from the TicketMaster website event map for a given event or directly from the dashboard, clicking the info button for an event and the seat map will be shown if available. Important: If you’d like to monitor the ‘General Admission’ section, please enter GA value in the ‘sections’ gap to recieve restocks from General Admission Sections.
      • MinPriceFilter / MaxPriceFilter
      • SeatQuantity: by applying this filter you’ll be only notified when there will be a restock with X adjacent seats available. Enter the number of seats you’re interested in
      • Ticket Type: you can choose to be notified whenever there’s a Resale ticket, a Standard ticket, or both of them by selecting the value Unfiltered
      • Webhook: select the webhook you’d like the event to be notified in
      b. You can bulk edit your watchlist by selecting all the events you’d like to edit and then click on ‘Bulk Edit’ button. c. To remove a specific entry you can search it through the search bar by typing its Event ID or Name and then click on the bin icon in red under the Actions column
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  1. USERS
    1. You can decide to add further users to the Dashboard by entering their Discord ID in the gap. Two parameters are available: - Central: the user you’re adding will manage the main client watchlist, meaning that he could add/remove/edit all watchlist entries - Custom: the user you’re adding will create and manage his/her own watchlist which will include their own events.
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Further features concerning events and webhooks management are available through our @Yeet Tickets bot as well, there’s the possibility to benefit of several free commands by inviting the bot to any server you wish despite not having an active subscription. Please find them below:
  • To find an event through a specific criteria run the following commands: /find_events → by region /find_events_by_category /find_events_by_date /find_events_by_keyword /find_events_today
  • To consult an event stock call the command /stock
  • To remove all events with matching event IDs from the watchlist call the command /remove_event
  • To remove a single entry with its related filters run the command /remove_watchlist_event Please note that the watchlist_id can be found by calling the command /view_monitored_events , the figures you’ll find written before the region flag will be the watchlist_id of interest