

The keyword pinger is a feature of our companion bot @Yeet#3838 that lets you automatically ping your members when a specific keyword is found in a monitor ping. This is a valuable tool to inform users of a restock in a channel with muted notifications or if the message simply hasn't been seen by the user.
The keyword pinger does not exclusively work with our monitors.
The keyword pinger only checks Discord embeds.
Regular messages won’t trigger the pinger.
To use the pinger, first add our companion bot @Yeet#3838 to your server.
  • To add a keyword, you can use the command /add_keyword , fill the two fields with the new keyword, and with the role you want to alert. If the keyword is found in the product title, the linked role will be automatically pinged
  • To check the keywords that are active into your server, you can use the /list_keywords command
  • To remove a keyword you can either use the /remove_keyword or the /remove_role_keywords command
  • There two ways to disable the keyword pinger in a specific channel: 1 - Remove the bot’s access to that channel, you can do this through Discord channel permission settings 2 - Call the /disable_keywords command in the channel you do not want the pinger to be active in. To reactivate the pinger in that channel, use the /reenable_keywords command